You must be ready for whatever information comes so you don't reject your guide out of a false sense of what makes a proper SAG.
What makes a proper SAG is an animal spirit that has undergone spirit animal guide training and have transcended mortal sensibilities. For example, one of the hunting tactics of the orca is to separate babies from their mothers. One woman I knew HATED orcas for that very reason. However, it turns out her son's SAG was an orca, but as an elevated being, or higher being, or one that has transcended mortality and lives in a more light-filled way, doesn't do that. Of course, before she could accept her son's orca she had to get over her bias first. 😉
What will I see in a vision? Typically what the animal looks like first. Sometimes this is great, I know exactly what animal it is, and sometimes not so much because I'm like WTF is this? I have never seen this. That's how I discovered the pyrosome (sea cucumber) and the tuco-tuco, and long-tailed sylph hummingbirds.
As you can see, I get specific. The reason is, I want people to be able to visualize as much as they can what I am seeing, and I discovered that breeds matter beyond that. For example, foxes are solitary creatures. However, I had a vision of the fennec fox for one person, and I saw a whole FAMILY of them living together in a pack and I was like whaaaaa!? So I looked up the habits of the fennec fox only to discover that yes, indeed, they are pack oriented unlike other fox breeds. That family aspect was super important for this man.
Also, let's be real. You can't just say dog. What kind of dog? A chihuahua is totally different from a Tibetan mastiff. What're we talkin' here? Wouldn't you wanna know? You can't just say fish. A guppy is totally different from a rainbow trout. Stingrays sting, manta rays don't.
Ah, and this leads to, wait, why would you ever see a stingray SAG sting? BATTLE MODE. I may receive a vision of your SAG in BATTLE MODE. Super cool. Bells, (Charolais heifer, a cow) grows really long horns, that are just freakin' amazing.
Sometimes I am told their names, or at least, a name for you to call them by, but often not. I often receive messages of love and reassurance that you are worthy of having them around. I also get a flavor of their personalities. Sometimes they end up matching yours, sometimes they are complementary. Usually they are the same gender (or non-gender) as you, but sometimes not. Someone's panther made themselves known to during a Tarot reading once and they were quite clear that they were non-binary! I was surprised as all get out. Didn't know that was a thing until then!
I may see a symbol, like something from pop culture or from fairy tale. Someone once had three different types of birds as theirs and they were like, thinking of us like the three good fairies from Disney's Sleeping Beauty. You might think that's nonsense, but to the person I was reading it was absolutely significant to them.
Of course, I always use the list of general wisdom originally by Diana Roth as my first go to once I know what animal I am looking at.
I am often guided to read up on different animals to learn more about those animals in general which later helps me understand someone's SAG later. For example, knowing the difference between crows and ravens has been useful. Knowing that the only hawk that makes that piercing cry everyone loves is the red tailed hawk, and that the eagle actually has a very sweet sound. It helps me know them more clearly and in turn helps me be a better vessel for receiving, so I'm big on learning details so I can understand the bigger picture.
I essentially absolutely trust 100% that when I communicate with your spirit animal guide, that one way or the other, I will be able to give you the information you need to receive. And it's awesome. 💚
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